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Greanwold stands for children's rights.

I have taken it upon myself to attempt to bring attention to the murder and mutilation of children caught up in the many wars and conflicts created by murderous thugs posing as leaders. Maybe, just maybe, if enough people help we can begin a revolution to end this madness against the most innocent of the innocent.

Please help us to gather 100 million signatures to send to world leaders and the United Nations by donating today. 

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By donating to the Greanwold project, you will do so as an anonymous donor unless you request otherwise.

The donate button takes you to Paypal. If you do not have a Paypal account, there are credit card options


You can connect with us as follows:


​Telephone : ​1 778 389 5866

Text: 1 778 389 5866

Skype: dwentrigg

Viber: michael trigg

Fax : 1 604 986 2674
Email : Contact

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Share your thoughts!

You can share your thoughts with us by emailing at:  Contact


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