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20 Things About Stuff - you and your kids might  not know

20 Amazing Autistic Children


Autism presents on a wide spectrum, and there's a saying in the ASD community: "If you've met one person with autism, well, you've met just one person with autism."

This quip speaks to the tremendous range of abilities, challenges, interests, skills, and physical characteristics that kids and adults with autism have. There's a beautiful

amount of diversity among people with autism, and it needs to be seen (just like people with autism's voices need to be heard).


Last month, fellow blogger Amy Julia Becker showed us "21 Beautiful Faces of Down Syndrome From Around the World," and we wanted to follow in her footsteps for Autism Awareness/Acceptance month.


Click on the image of Joshua (age 9)  launch a slideshow and meet over 20 strong, smart, and sassy children with autism—all of them are unique, all of them are special, and all of them are individuals with different voices, hopes, dreams, interests, talents, and so much more.

Meet Joseph


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